Monday, January 25, 2010

Update 1/25/10

I'm half way through the first recovery week right now. On Friday,1/29, I begin the second week of P90X. I did core synergistics for the first time this weekend. It didn't come up in the rotation of routines until I was in the recovery week. I firmly believe this routine is of the devil. That's the first one of the routines where Tony has said, "this is bonus, you don't have to do it," that I took him up on it. But I'll master this one, too.

Judy and I allowed ourselves a cheat day yesterday as we enjoyed some company and watching the playoffs. Glad to see my old home town Saints lose the the Aints stigma. Who dat, baby. But I digress. The donuts and the chicken spaghetti weren't worth it. So I put a big note on my mirror with the white board marker: "The cheat is never worth it!" I would rather just eat clean and feel good. I actually felt nauseous that evening as I did my exercises.

I am still amazed at the strength gains that just keep coming. At this rate month two will be a rocker. I'm maintaining a steady dosage ibuprofen to manage the soreness in my right shoulder. I wonder if it is from the racquetball accident I had 22 years ago or something else? The ibuprofen works well enough to keep the pain down. It must be just some tendinitis that sets up.

P90X is an absolute blast. I look in the mirror everyday and say to myself, "you’re one of the few rocking the X!" I'm becoming so incredibly judgmental. I can't help but, when I see other guys my age, to get some satisfaction from the fact that the vast majority of them physically cannot do what I'm doing every day. The routines, challenging as they are, are actually fun. This is simply amazing. Like Diekler, "Why didn't I have this body in high school?" But its great seeing it come into being at 54.

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