Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pain, Glorious Pain

Just a few days ago I posted that I needed to  up my effort some because I wasn't hurting enough. The rational behind that is that the pain is a result of lactic acid buildup. The production of HGH requires lactic acid buildup in the muscles. So, if I'm not sore, then I'm not getting the change I ought to get.

Well, I succeeded. I'm hurting. It's all good pain. It's not a pain from an injury, but from pushing the workout, the kind of pain that says, "You pushed your limits and you'll be better after this."

I'll not go looking for the pain. I'll look for the intensity, the push, the level of work that results in real progress. The side consequence is pain, but its pain that tells me I' m doing a good job.

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