Monday, January 18, 2010

Ta Da!

A sudden drop in weight came on Saturday. That morning I weighed in at 195. Then I started urinating. A lot. Usually that's the sign that a quick significant weight drop is happening.  I had actually already lost the weight. I was just retaining the fluid. If I know I have curtailed the calories (and I had) then the weight has to be burning off. But even if the adipose is burned, fluid may be retained, keeping body weight up.

One thing that seems to trigger the elimination of this retained water is drinking tea. I brew tea at home that I drink cold and often in the place of water. I drink the tea without any sweeting--sugar or artificial. I started drinking fresh brewed tea that way while I was in high school. An acquired taste to be sure, but now I actually find it far more refreshing than to drink sweetened tea. Ironically, my preference for unsweetened tea puts me quite out of step with South Carolina's bias for sweet, really, really sweet tea.

We use a Mr. Coffee tea maker. I use three regular tea bags and one green tea bag to brew the tea.  It makes for a mild tasting brew, but I'm not so sure there's much health benefit from the one green tea bag. However, adding the small amount of green tea doesn't hurt.

And one slightly related rabbit to chase: refrigerate the tea and scrub out the pitcher between brews. If you don't know what "soured tea" means, learn. I have been to many restaurants, ordered tea and found it soured - literally a bacteria culture gone viral. In fact there is one very success deli in town where I won't even  get the tea because its always soured. When I ask the wait staff for fresh tea because the tea I'm drinking has soured, I have often been met with the blank stares of obvious ignorance. I think the reason so many people aren't aware that tea can sour is that they mask the taste of soured tea by adding more and more sugar.

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