Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nothing Confusing About Muscle Confusion

Good to see weight loss coming regularly  now. That's about 14 lbs in 19 days. Hopefully this week will find me well below 190. The goal for the end of the week is 190. The goal for the end of the next week is 188. Looks like I have the chance to get a week ahead of the schedule.

I was supposed to do two routines yesterday to get caught up. Judy came in on Sunday so I skipped doing my routine on that day so I could spend the time with her. I got one routine in yesterday, but before I could do the second, she came in from work (got finished early). It was her only day in town and I spent my time with her instead of in the man cave doing more exercise. She's going to be gone for several days, so I have this week to put in an additional routine.

Yoga X today. Its long, its a challenge. I'll get it done. I'm seeing gains every day. Yesterday was arms and shoulders. Though I haven't done that for a week, I gained quite a bit of strength. In fact, I was just about at a point I had never reached doing Power 90. I am at the threshold of making more progress in a month, than I made in three months with Power 90. This could be that vaunted "muscle confusion" aspect that Horton goes on about.  Though I haven't done shoulders and arms for  a week, I have addressed some of those muscles in the other routines I've done, but in different ways. The net results is that I'm experiencing some gains in strength.  I've also noticed more strength in my legs as I've gone up and down stairs. I'm excited about what the next weeks will bring as I continue with P90X.

This first round will lay an excellent foundation. I anticipate some astounding results on that second round. I will be "different", fit, by the time we get to July 4th, my new Independence Day - independent of fat and flab, psychologically free in new ways. Yoga X today. Its long, its a challenge. I'll get it done. I'm seeing gains every day. Yesterday was arms and shoulders. Though I haven't done that for a week, I gained quite a bit of strength. In fact, I was just about at a point I had never reached doing Power 90. I am at the threshold of making more progress in a month, than I made in three months with Power 90. Could be that vaunted "muscle confusion" Horton goes on about.  Though I haven't done shoulders and arms for  a week, I have addressed some of those muscles in the other routines I've done, but in different ways. The net results is that I'm experiencing unexpected gains in strength.  I've also noticed more strength in my legs as I've gone up and down stairs. I'm excited about what the coming weeks will bring as I continue with P90X.

This first round will lay an excellent foundation. I anticipate some astounding results on that second round. I will be "different", fit, by the time we get to July 4th, my new Independence Day - independent of fat and flab, psychologically free in new ways.

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