Thursday, August 16, 2012

Shoulder Pain and Strength

One of the recent improvements that I've noticed in my shoulder is that increased strength helps me manage the residual pain.What I mean is this:  previously when I moved my arm and felt pain, there was also weakness and that compounded the tendency to give in to the pain. As strength has increased, I will push through certain painful movements instead of giving in to them. To me it seems that as I do this I experience less pain than I was experiencing previously.

It could be that the completed movements are exercising the affected areas, and as a result there is less pain.  Also it could be that it's mental. Because I move through the pain more easily with the increased strength, I subconsciously discount the pain message and move anyway.

Physical, mental or maybe even both, my strength has incased and that's getting me down the road to a more complete recovery.  I'm still marking a lot of this quick recent improvement to the results of using the Les Mills Pump workouts. The barbell is doing the trick. My right shoulder is coaxed into performing as well as my right shoulder.

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