Monday, August 13, 2012

Pumping My Way To Total Recovery

Recovery from surgery on my shoulder has gone like I expected even though I being told that I'm doing great compared to others. I'm still very weak in my right shoulder and haven't been able to get back into P90X. I had planned that this would be the summer that I tore it up on X. Spring workouts were going fantastic. In fact, I was doing Insanity workouts along with my X workouts.

The problem was a bone spur in my right shoulder that developed as a result of a torn rotator cuff I didn't even know I had. In fact the doctor said it was a very "impressive" bone spur. She said she had to dig around a bit in the shoulder to clean things up. But she didn't do any muscle work or  graphs - just spur removal. So I'm a bit put out and bothered by the persistent post operative weakness in my shoulder.

I am excited about a work-around that I'm trying out. Where P90X uses dumbbells, Les Mills Pump uses barbells. Dumbells accentuate the weaknesses in opposing arms. Barbells provide some equity between the relative strengths of the left and right arms and shoulders. So I'm starting on the Les Mills program as a path to recovering my strength in my right shoulder and arm. After reviewing the program I think I've hit on a great plan.

So today is my first day of Les Mills. I'll continue to post the progress and nutrition here and show the results. But I am so looking forward to getting back to P90X and Insanity just as soon as I can.

Well, as they say in Les Mills Pump, "Kia Haha!"  Be Strong!

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