Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Still Sold On Les Mills Pump

I'm thinking that this will be my last week of physical therapy. Unless the therapist and doc can give me really compelling reasons to continue with that program, I'm really satisfied with - heck, I'm excited about - continuing the recovery using Les Mills Pump.
I've been suggesting this BeachBody program to a number of younger guys that I thought could benefit from its high energy/high reps approach to barbell exercise. Then I realized that, at middle age facing senior citizen status, I'm an excellent candidate for Pump.

Still feeling weak in my right shoulder from bone spur surgery on June 1st, I started this past weekend using the bar without any weight. Immediately I saw that using the barbell gave me feedback to work the right side harder in order to keep the bar level.

I've added 5 lbs to the bar the past couple of days and the shoulder is doing great. There is some soreness from doing the exercise, bur it is much less than it had been earlier.  Soon I'll start adding different weight amounts that will be appropriate for what I can handle on that particular exercise.

Using Pump is literally like waking up the muscles in my back and shoulder. It just happens to be the scratch for my particular itch, but if you are having a shoulder issue, I'm on board for highly recommending Les Mills Pump. Check it out at

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