Monday, April 9, 2012

Power Routines

Spring break is over and I thrilled! That interlude into my daily routine brought on a major case of lousy. I didn't exercise for days. And I really missed the Insanity workouts we've done after school. I was just beginning to notice some great progress. I hope that I'll still see that there's been progress when I do my next session.

There are a couple of teachers doing Insanity with me after school. We aren't going through the program by the book. We take one routine and do it until we have an acceptable level of mastery. Then we add another routine and mix them until we feel we have a handle on both. Then ass another and rotate those. We'll keep,doing that until all the workout routines are in the mix. It should be summer by then and I can start a round of Insanity from start to finish getting some bragging rights results!

I was on the road a lot during Spring break. I really don't do very well traveling. I ate food that normally I won't touch. And I spent a couple of days at my parents house. That is a dangerous place for me nutritionally. So many kinds of good food and so much of it.

But, I'm back now and ready to make this an awesome April and May. Routine and familiarity can be powerful allies in the battle to win our health and fitness back. I'm looking forward to the routines of doing Insanity with my friends, of eating foods I make and I know are nutritionally safe and helpful. I enjoy the routines and rhythms of my life in my home. All of these work together to make me a winner with my health.


  1. The teachers at my school did Turbofire together! So much fun to work out with friends!

  2. Great article! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Being good on vacation is SO HARD! Enjoy getting back on track back at home!

  4. Great article! I haven't tried Insanity yet but I can't wait to!
