Saturday, December 10, 2011

Painful Honesty

Time to get honest with myself. Something just isn't working here. I'm not staying with the program. I'm eating like I don't have a care. Discipline is non-existent. Weight is way up, clothes are too tight.

What's going on! It seems rational that having had the victories I've had in this battle I'd be able to stay the course. I know the change in my schedule has been a problem. I've even is cussed that with my two support buddies at work. We would take some time every morning to up chat each other and motivate ourselves to stay the course. We would make our commitments for the day and then hold ourselves accountable for them. We all miss the benefits from those talks, those support systems.

But I can't lay it all to blame there. This trend started last April when stress at work went up. I don't handle stress very well. I eat to ease the stress. I need to do some research on how to handle that.

Also I had some big challenges going on back then that schedule changes ruled out. At least I let the schedule changes rule them out. Maybe I need my big challenges again.

One thing that left my regular discipline schedule was running my HIITS. My old fitness center closed and I tried substituting bike riding. Today I'm going to redeem a gym membership I won at a new local gym. I'm going to start the HIITs again.

I've also got to get back in touch with my BeachBody coach and let him know what's going on. Also contact my success buddy and make myself accountable there as well. Honesty hurts, but time to get honest. Way past time.

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