Monday, December 26, 2011

New Toys!

I received some really nice gifts from my family this Christmas. One I'm enjoying learning about is a Nike+ unit. I'm looking forward to using this to track my walks/runs and compare it to readouts on the treadmill. I'm at my in-laws house today in Memphis, TN. I took my first walk this morning. I slipped out before anyone else got up and walked to Starbucks. The stats are recorded on my iPhone as I walk and a summary report is given at the end. Today was 26'42" for a walk of 1.52 miles. According to the report I burned 240 calories. That seems high to me (check some of my earlier posts about the calories count issues with treadmills - looks like it might apply to Nike+ as well.

I can see interesting possibilities using this. I can instant, accurate records of all my cardio workouts, even on the treadmill.

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