Monday, November 16, 2009

Hurts So Good

There are 47 days to go. Today's weight was 188. That is 16 lbs to lose until I reach my goal of 172 by Jan. 1, '01. That will require 1 pound of fat loss every three days. That is entirely doable. But it will require total focus on carrying out the plan: resistance, HIITs, and nutrition.

Today is planned out. I've completed resistance. I'll have fruit and yogurt for breakfast, salad and a few ounces of chicken breast for lunch and supper. I'll have fruit and yogurt for between meal snacks.

I may have to stay at school for a while at the end of the day, but I plan to go to Peak afterwards and do my HIITs. I'll also make a run to the grocery store to pick up some milk and other staples to keep me on the nutrition track.

For my cardio yesterday I tried the 3-4 level of Power 90. I did fairly well on all but the yoga. I've got to get back into that as I near the start of P90X. An additional result of doing cardio 3-4 is that I'm sore. That shows I need to be doing that cardio aspect of Power 90. I get sore a little from the weights, but today I am noticeably sore.

In spite of this flare up from my bad nutrition over the last few weeks, I had several comments directed my way by folks who were noticing that I had lost weight. Actually, I think they noticed that my body is changing shape. I'm getting some muscle in the right places and its beginning to show, even from under a suit coat at church.

Well, comments are the goal. The goal is to see what I have left to lose when I get down to 172. Time to get started on this week.

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