Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Walking the Halls for Health - what we can do at Landrum HS

Walking the halls.

Spent some time using a Measure Master Roll Tape this morning to work out some walking distances. I took the measurement of the three main hallways and came up with this.

The distance from the opening of the 200 hall to it's end is 365 feet. So one lap is 730 feet. The same measurement on the 300 hall is 315 feet, so a lap is 630.

From the opening of the 200 hall, to the end of the 400/500 hall, and then to the opening of the 300 hall is 1152 feet. And the distance across the commons is 53 feet.

Putting all that together, 1 lap up and down all three main halls is a total of 2565 feet. Two laps: 5120 feet.

There are 5280 feet in a mile. So for the sake of argument, 2 laps up and down the three major halls is approximately 1 mile (an extra 1/2 the distance down the 200 or 300 hall would make up that distance, but let's not quibble).

So, of your health goals involve a certain amount of significant walking, here's an excellent way to meet that goal: 2 laps equal 1 mile.

How many calories is that? I walk a mile in 15 minutes so that comes out to 100 calories a mile. Here's a good website to go to find how many calories you can burn in a mile.


Happy walking.

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