Sunday, January 17, 2010

Movin' On

I'm into my third week of P90X. I haven't missed a day of working out and that's no small feat. When I was doing Power 90 I had to make a 30 or 45 minute commitment. I had trouble keeping those days. For P90X I'm making a commitment to spend at least an hour every day. Actually, its taking much longer than that. I'm doing well on the routines, but I have to push that pause button quite often, something I almost never did with Power 90.  The result is that P90X is taking twice as much as twice as long depending on the routine.

My strength is improving as well as stamina. There are some things (like pull ups) that I'm having to modify, but still the progress comes.

I'm regretting that I didn't keep up my routines for Power 90 from Thanksgiving to New Year. I can tell that I lost some ground with my strength. It especially shows up in my push ups and the ab routines.

All good right now. My right should keeps threatening to act up, but I'm keeping on the ibuprofen to suppress the inflammation and it works.

Xness, here I come.


  1. Randall,

    Great job sticking with the P90X, most people quit after the first week.

    Pull-ups were pretty difficult for me at first too. I just kept on modifying with a chair and I eventually got better at them. At the end of my first round of P90X I managed to do 6 corn-cobs.

    I am also a coach with Team Beachbody. This allows me to get a 25% discount on every Beachbody Products and make money when people buy Beachbody products off of my site ( I can see that Your trying to make some money with placing Google ads on your blog. Adding Beachbody links to your page would be extremely easy to do.

    Being a coach only costs me $15 a month and I make much more than that each month! Contact me via my website with any questions that you may have or follow the link below to find out more about becoming a Beachbody Coach.

    Good luck with your workouts and I hope your knees feel better!

    -Nathan McCabe

  2. Congrats on making it to week 3 of P90X!! I just started my P90X workout journey (check it out at my blog, TREK2BEFIT.COM) on Sunday! I'm really sore from day 1 of P90X, but I know I got a great workout. Congrats again, and great post!
