Friday, June 17, 2011

Again, the Bike

My P90X and Insanity schedule is in limbo for a few more weeks. But I have been using the mountain bike for transportation a lot. I haven't hesitated to jump on it for any trip of 5 miles or less. And the strength in my legs I'd getting better quickly.

Which is the reason for this post, an observation about the way the strength is working. I posted earlier how regular bike riding had done next to nothing to prepare me for my 5K. Guess if I want to train for running, it's best to run. Did seem to help my endurance, but that just meant that my legs hurt that much more, since I was able to run longer than I had trained to do.

But here is a gain I have noticed: strength walking down stairs. Big deal, huh? Not when I li e on a second story apartment and have knees that are 56 yeRs old. I'm in good shape, but I would have to exercise extra caution when descending a staircase. But since I've added regular bike riding to my exercise, I'm practically bouncing down stairs. Another serendipitous discovery. As I increase my fitness level I continue to discover what I lost as I recover it. Yeah, healthy is much better. And riding that bike is worth it, too.

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