Friday, June 17, 2011

Again, the Bike

My P90X and Insanity schedule is in limbo for a few more weeks. But I have been using the mountain bike for transportation a lot. I haven't hesitated to jump on it for any trip of 5 miles or less. And the strength in my legs I'd getting better quickly.

Which is the reason for this post, an observation about the way the strength is working. I posted earlier how regular bike riding had done next to nothing to prepare me for my 5K. Guess if I want to train for running, it's best to run. Did seem to help my endurance, but that just meant that my legs hurt that much more, since I was able to run longer than I had trained to do.

But here is a gain I have noticed: strength walking down stairs. Big deal, huh? Not when I li e on a second story apartment and have knees that are 56 yeRs old. I'm in good shape, but I would have to exercise extra caution when descending a staircase. But since I've added regular bike riding to my exercise, I'm practically bouncing down stairs. Another serendipitous discovery. As I increase my fitness level I continue to discover what I lost as I recover it. Yeah, healthy is much better. And riding that bike is worth it, too.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

You Never Forget (But There's Still Lots To Learn)

I've enjoyed getting back on a bike. That's "bicycle", not a motorcycle like most other guys my age. And it's true, you don't forget how to ride a bike. It's a 21 speed Schwin mountain bike, but it suits me well for riding in town. I find I'm more of a blood and guts kind of guy, more so than the finessing road bike type. I like jumping curves, fighting traffic, muscling the bike through traffic. It very existential when I'm in the traffic, a la running with the bulls of Pamplona, omlyni get to do it every day.

I started riding as a way to supplement what I was doing for my fitness level. I've gradually increased my distances. I've gotten up to 45 miles in the course of a day. I getting faster riding around town. And it's working on the supplementing health aspect.

Just a few things I've observed (learned) about the results of bike riding. It doesn't help you prepare for a 5K. Yeah, learned that one the hard way. Ouch! My legs ate definitely stronger. I can literally feel that. It is changing the way I walk. And I'm standing straighter. Dunno if that is the result of the legs being stringer or maybe the core getting stronger. But it's great noticing how much more erect I'm standing since I started hunching over handlebars. Who knew? Lots to learn riding a bike.