Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Salt Anyone?

During the past year I've noticed the effect that salt has on me. Because I was using salt, and lots of it, I couldn't really tell what it was doing to me. It's sort of like trying to determine if a fish feels wet. I was using a sauna regularly at the time, so that helped with some of the salt in my body. Also, I couldn't tell that salt was causing me to retain a lot of fluid and bloat, because I was bloated!

With some of the developing changes in my nutrition I just naturally reduced my salt usage. Then when I did use salt I could really tell what it was doing to me. My feet, which had finally begun to show some veins and tendons instead of just being balloons on the end of my legs, would quickly lose that definition.

The bottom line is that there is plenty of salt in the foods we eat to sustain health. Part of our nutrition plans needs to be cutting out the use of the salt shaker in our food prep.

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