Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catching Up

Can't believe I've gone so long without a post. Here's a quick rundown of my progress.

The treadmill running has been really good. I hit the three mile mark a while back, but I've backed off of it because my knees started bothering me. Apparently I'm still a little heavy for long distance running. So I dropped down to 1.5 to 2 miles and started focusing on building speed. I'm really quite satisfied with my modification and my progress.

It's getting warmer and I reclaimed the garage for my P90X workouts. I restart the round tomorrow. Next year I'll just have to invest in a heater for the garage. And at work something else starts tomorrow: one of my co workers and I will be doing insanity. We had done it some last year, but this year our schedules just didn't workout. We've both decided that we're doing this anyway and tomorrow we start doing Insanity. That is totally a coincidence, HIIT it will be interesting to see me keep up running, P90X and Insanity.

Nutrition is doing super. Back on at least one Shakeology a day. Watching my other meals.

Okay, more later. I've got to get my rest before tomorrow gets here.