Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh No!

Two things to cover.

First P90X progress: great first week and start of the third week. I can already tell the difference. Subjectively, I have better stamina during the routines. Objectively, the reps are already higher. And I'm keeping up with AB Ripper X, too. I had just blown that off during other rounds. It's going well so far. One week out of 13 isn't much, but it does set the pace. One concern is temperature. It's getting colder in the garage. I think if I try to get into the routines as soon as I get home (ha! Like that makes a difference) the garage will be warmer. I need to avoid going late at night like I did last night.

Last night was a special case. First, it was Halloween and I didn't want to be in the garage doing routines while the neighborhood kids were coming to the front door. So I put off doing "X" until the ghouls gave up for the night. I wasn't finished until a little after mid night, and I got up five hours later to get ready for work. So I was really beat this morning, which is something I need to discuss later.

I found a way to work on getting to pull ups. It's called a reverse back pull I think. In this exercise I suspend myself under the lower arms of the pull up stand (the arms used for leg lifts) and, with my legs extended out, heels resting on the floor, I pull my torso up. This works the back muscles more intensely than using a chair to assist in a normal pull up. The chair method is helpful when it is possible to do pull ups. However, when it is impossible, this reverse style seems to be the most effective technique for getting there.

I've started using the apple cider vinegar in my diet. I'm also trying to restrict myself to purified water. The ACV isn't so bad. There is something strangely refreshing about it. Intake approximately two table spoons to 8 oz of purified water. I'll keep it up and report on the changes/benefits I see.

Okay, two: blew it today, rather this morning. I was really tired when I got up. Less than 5 hours sleep. I did "X" last night. Went to bed beat after having come home from work beat. I was getting enough rest and I knew it. This morning as I was driving to work I was fighting to stay focused on the road. I realized that either I would get something to eat to jump start my metabolism or I would have to call off my two reading recovery lessons. And since I couldn't call off the lessons, well . . .

So I got a. chicken filet biscuit, nugget fries and a large coffee. It helped a little . After my lessons I went back and got two blue berry biscuits and another coffee. I ended up throwing away almost half the coffee, but I ate all the food. And now, a couple of hours later I'm once again falling dead tired.

Okay, observations. Does missing sleep after a hard workout make me crave food more, or was that fatigue induced weakness? I didn't drink a shake at home before I left and I don't know why. I didn't have my ACV water because we were out of purified water. I'm just wondering what were the good and the ad choices here. Also, is nutritional weakness a quirk or the product of circumstances? I'm leaning toward "the product of circumstances" perspective. I was tired, exhausted reserves from a late night X routine, I chose note to drink a shake or ACV water, and then trying to negotiate traffic in the dark. I was under pressure to perform and lacked energy. T seems all these things played into my nutritional faux pas. The ability to see circumstances piling up is difficult to master, mainly because I'm involved in the circumstances.

So, I'm doing really well overall, but I. Gong to have to watch the rest and keep my supplies handy at home. Of course last night was unique, but it will not be the last night like that and this will not be the last morning that I feel caught between a rock and a fat place.